It is very easy to tell the difference between a windshield that requires replacement vs one that can be repaired to save it. If the total area of the chip/crack on the windshield is equal to or smaller than the size of a Quarter (coin), then a windshield repair can be performed to prevent spreading. Our auto glass experts at AFG Auto Glass recommend that you act fast. Even a small chip or crack can spread overnight and destroy your windshield to the point where a complete windshield replacement is necessary-which is way more expensive! A windshield repair typically costs under $100, and a windshield replacement can cost $200+ depending on the year, make, model, trim, and features/sensors of the vehicle. (all quotes are based on our prices at AFG Auto Glass – Washington DC & Northern Virginia, all prices may vary)
A small chip or crack on a windshield can spread across the whole glass overnight. This is especially the case in the colder months of winter from November-February, when temperatures drop very low at night. Even a tiny, hair sized crack can spread in hours! Glass is a poor thermal conductor, and sudden changes in temperature can create additional fractures along the existing crack. Virginia and Washington DC are infamous for experiencing drastic fluctuations in temperatures and severe weather events like ice, snow, hail, sleet, heavy rain, strong winds. With this in mind, it is very important to have the crack or chip on your vehicle’s windshield repaired as soon as possible, before you have to pay 3–5 times more for a windshield replacement.
Driving with a broken windshield can be very dangerous in some cases. Depending on where you live, law enforcement officers may pull you over in order to issue you a ticket or warning (especially if the chip or crack is in the driver’s field of vision). Small cracks can spread quicker than you think, and it can lead to impaired visibility while driving, leaks, or even a collapse of the windshield. More importantly, it leaves your car vulnerable and easily accessible by others (especially if you live in a busy city, like Washington DC).
Click the following links to learn more about each respective state’s rules and regulations on broken windshields: Virginia, Washington DC, Maryland. It is especially important to keep these windshield and window regulations in mind when you are due for a vehicle inspection, as many states will fail an inspection due to a broken window or windshield. For more information about vehicle inspection codes and regulation, click any of the following links: Virginia, Washington DC, Maryland.
Washington DC ranks very highly in many categories of crime, especially in auto break-ins and carjackings. Click on this link to learn more: