2020-2022 Washington DC Auto Break In & Car Theft Statistics

Car Window Break Ins are Nothing New for Washington DC Residents and Visitors.

If you live in Washington DC (or even the DMV area), chances are high that your car window has been broken into or will be broken into at some point. One would assume that the nations Capital would be the safest, but the truth is far from that. In 2020, Washington DC ranked #5 for auto related thefts and break-ins in the USA – only behind Denver CO, San Francisco CA, Philadelphia PA, and Austin TX. 

Source: https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2021/nov/8/dc-ranks-5th-auto-crimes-study/


According to this article published by Washington Times, after analyzing 18/25 largest U.S. cities in a 2020 study, it was concluded that Washington DC had 11,525 car window break-ins & thefts from vehicles per 100,000 residents and 1,671 car thefts per 100,000 residents. This means about 11.5% of Washington DC residents had a car window broken into and had to get an auto glass replacement, and about 1.6% of Washington DC residents had a car stolen as a result. They also specified that the months of July-December generally see the highest rate of auto related crimes, with November being the worst in most cases. You can scroll down to see comparative statistics for crime in DC 2020-2022. 


This article posted by Insurance.com shows that in 2021, Washington D.C. finished 2nd in the USA for car thefts with a theft rate of 651 thefts per 100,000 residents, only behind the state of Colorado. The article contains lots of surprising statistics about car theft in USA and should definitely be read by everyone, you can do so by clicking here. One interesting statistic that they have provided on the page is the Top 10 most stolen vehicle models in the USA: 1) Chevy Trucks 2) Ford Trucks 3) Honda Civic 4) Honda Accord 5) Toyota Camry 6) GMC truck 7) Nissan Altima 8) Honda CR-V 9) Jeep Cherokee/Grand Cherokee 10) Toyota Corolla.


According to recent MPDC data (as of December 5th 2022), it appears as though crime rate is starting to decrease after a few years of higher numbers. After the uncertainties and damage caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, almost all US cities experienced a hike in crime rates. Finally, in 2022 we are seeing a general decrease in almost all types of crime.

What can I do to prevent my car from being broken into?

According to law enforcement experts, the most effective action to take is: 

1) Never leave items inside of your car (or at hide them) and, 

2) Never leave the car unattended and running with the keys inside. 

Generally, criminals will only target vehicles with items that are visible. Clean your car every day and ensure that all valuables are taken home, and ALWAYS lock the car doors and shut all windows after exiting.

You wake up first thing in the morning, have breakfast and get ready for work only to walk to your car and see that your window was been broken into. 

1) The first thing we recommend to do is to call local law enforcement and notify them of the situation. 

2)After you have done so, call your local auto glass company and get a quote for mobile auto glass service (Free mobile service and same day appointments available at AFG Auto Glass). 

We understand how frustrating this situation can be and how urgently you need to have your auto glass repaired or replaced. Many national auto glass chains will take advantage of this vulnerable state by charging mind-blowing prices for auto glass replacements or auto glass repairs, and we’re here to make sure you get a good deal for your service.

Click here and follow the instructions on the page to get a free, instant and honest quote with a live auto glass expert! AFG Auto Glass serves all of Northern Virginia and Washington DC, so if you are calling from out of state keep in mind that prices may vary at your local businesses. Regardless, our fair price quote will give you a good estimate of how much you should be paying for your cars auto glass repair or auto glass replacement service.










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